Los 1229
HUNNIC TRIBES, Alchon Huns. Mihirakula, circa 515-540. AE (Bronze, 20 mm, 3.23 g, 3 h), mint in Punjab. ŠRI MIHIRA ('Lord Mihira' in Brahmi) Draped bust of Mihirakula with elongated scull and crown surmounted by crescent. Rev. JAYATU VRISHA ('May the Bull be victorious' in Brahmi) Zebu-bull standing to left. Göbl 152. Pfisterer, Type 152. Vondrovec, Type 152. Patina stripped and with two minor flan cracks, otherwise, very fine.

From a European collection, formed before 2005.

Mihirakula, the son of Toramana, is known to have retired to Kashmir after suffering defeat at the hands of Narsimha Gupta in the mid-6th century AD. This example has the king's name on the obverse, which is of Iranian origin and likely translates as 'Mithra's Begotten'. To German readers of the popular Asterix comics, Mihirakula may sound surprisingly familiar: it is very similar to that of the Gallic druid Miraculix (Panoramix in French and Getafix in English), whose name, however, derives from the Latin word miraculum (miracle).
25 CHF
120 CHF
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